Pataniscas Satânicas

Pataniscas Satânicas

terça-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2015

One more day

One more day, one more, in the midst of a linear ocean that leads to uncharted shores.
Life has a way of looking the way motivational posters tend to present it. It has a way of changing drastically what you thought you would be.

And that is good. You wouldn't want the 18 year old you, defining the way you live when you are forty. And that is why I don't envy people who make ''ten year life plans''. Idiots.

The monkeys do the trial-and-error-thing. And they do it again. And again. They teach the trial-and-error-thing to their offspring, until they die.
Ten year life plans are illusions of control. Some monkeys believe they can define their course through the shitstorm of chaos which is life. Maybe they can. I certainly can't.

But i guess i'm ok with that.

More importantly, today was a good day. And i haven't had many of those lately.

So raise your glass with me.

Ao Carlos!

1 comentário:

  1. We are adults now and it is our turn to decide what that means!
    Also, this has inspired me to write again!
